Prize Money

Prize money will be awarded to top 3 finishers in the below mentioned age categories category (separately Male & Female)

There are 3 age categories in KID RUN 2K race

  • 8 yrs to 9 yrs
  • 10 yrs to 11 yrs
  • 12 yrs 
Kid Run 2K Age Categories
Category Rankings Amount
8-9 Male & Female 1st  Rs. 6000
2nd  Rs. 4000
3rd  Rs. 3000
10-11 Male & Female 1st  Rs. 6000
2nd  Rs. 4000
3rd  Rs. 3000
12 Male & Female 1st  Rs. 6000
2nd  Rs. 4000
3rd  Rs. 3000

IMPORTANT NOTE: On the event day i.e 24th November, 2024, Only the Elite 10K category podium winners will be announced. Winners of all other categories  will be declared and announced on the race website on the next day of the event after verification.